Talk to a Website Consultant.

Not sure where to start? Want to be sure you’re going in the right direction? Before thinking about website design, begin with smart website planning.

The following consulting packages can help clarify company and customer issues, explore missed opportunities, and point to essential next steps.

There’s plenty of superficial marketing out there that inevitably misses its target. Here’s your chance to aim before you pull the trigger. You may be surprised at what you’ll learn about strategic website planning from a seasoned website consultant.


triangle-2Marketing Strategy Session


For start-up companies, as well as existing companies without a website. Before you begin your journey, make sure you know exactly where you’re headed.

• A chance to talk through core issues about the nature, benefits, audience, goals and competitive environment of your company

• A series of questions from an Atlanta website consultant for ‘digging deeper’ to find meaningful ‘connection points’ between seller and buyer. Companies often have smart competitive advantages, but employees might be ‘too close’ to recognize them.

• Receive custom recommendations and insights on core messages, strategic positioning, and a more enlightened approach to website planning.

• A discussion of SEO (Search Engine Optimization) options

• A website consultant’s view of suggested next steps, areas of focus, and resources for getting started on the right foot

Phone Consult $90/hr
In-Person Consult (Atlanta Metro area) $135/hr




triangle-2Website Marketing Audit


For companies who may have outgrown their current website. Take things to a fresh new level that truly conveys your company’s strengths.

• ‘Discovery’ session by phone to discuss how your business has evolved, and to revisit company advantages, customer needs, business goals and competitive issues

• A customer-centric review of your current website, in light of the issues we’ve discussed, to assess any new or missed opportunities

• A written report on what the current site is doing well, what should be improved, and big-picture recommendations for messaging and approaches that will appeal to your target market

• Exploration of options for revising your current site, or building a new site

• A discussion of SEO (Search Engine Optimization) options

• Suggested next steps, areas of focus, and resources for getting started on the right foot

Website Marketing Audit $350



 The role of marketing is to help people feel confident by using our products as their own means to their own ends. 

Tom Tortorici